Win, Lose, Draw with ICONS

Opus joined The Willow Foundation at the private view of Win, Lose, Draw exhibition at the Hayhill Gallery on the evening of Monday 23rd November. The Willow Foundation is a national charity who work with seriously ill young adults to fulfil uplifting and unforgettable Special Days.
This fundraising event celebrates art and sport that so often go hand in hand. The art in the exhibition reflects great sporting moments featuring the likes of Ian Botham, Bradley Wiggins, Thierry Henry and AP McCoy. The exhibition includes a selection of original art and limited edition prints for purchase.

At the event Willow also showcased Opus’ latest publication ICONS. The book which features the Opus collection of 20×24 Polaroids, was available on the night and many took this opputunity to get their copy personalised by both Willow Life President, Bob Wilson OBE and ICONS photographer, Zenon Texeira.
The exhibition is open to the public until Wednesday 25th November at the Hayhill Gallery, 35 Baker Street, London.
ICONS is available to purchase now from the store.
Twenty percent of the proceeds from ICONS will go to The Willow Foundation. You can learn about Willow and the good work they do on their website.