India Launch of The Official Formula 1 Opus

Delhi was roaring even louder than normal this weekend as the Formula 1 drivers battled for valuable points at the Buddh International Circuit.
Over the duration of the weekend there was even more for F1 fans to marvel, as Opus unveiled The Official Formula 1 Opus at the Oberoi Hotel. Guests mingled with stars from the world of sport and entertainment and were treated to a Q and A session chaired by Bollywood legend, Anil Kapoor. Hosts for the evening, Amit Bhagchandka, Group CEO, RKGlobal and Karl Fowler CEO, Opus Media Group PLC both shared their excitement of unveiling the Formula 1 Opus in Delhi with Mr Kapoor and continued the celebration track-side with F1 boss, Bernie Ecclestone and MD of Jaypee Infratech Limited, Mr Sameer Gaur.
The interest shown in the Opus by racing fans was overwhelming and yet there was as much admiration from those fans who are new to the sport.
Stars from the world of F1, Indian entertainment and VIPs were also invited to sign copy number 1. This unique copy will ultimately be auctioned for charity and collect more signatures as it travels the world with the Formula 1 entourage. Opus are over the moon to announce that copy number 1 leaves Delhi with an opening bid of $100,000 as it embarks on an international rolling auction.