The lastest news and updates from Opus.
Special Announcement
Amazing pre-order offer for The Official Michael Jackson Opus is extended!
Michael Jackson Opus on Oprah
The Michael Jackson Opus appears on the Oprah Winfrey Show website
Opus announces the Springboks Opus
Opus Media Group PLC are delighted to announce the signing of a partnership deal to produce the official Springboks Opus.
Michael Jackson Opus - pre-order in store now
A working proto-type of the Michael Jackson Opus is available to view at the Opus store.
New art from Opus
New exhibition at the Opus Store
Michael Jackson Opus announced on National US TV
Today Show tries out Opus Reality
The Little Master plays with Opus Reality
Sachin Tendulkar was back in London this month to film an exclusive interview for his official Opus website.
The Official Michael Jackson Opus
The Ultimate Celebration of an Icon
Mindscape: an impress of humanity
Exhibition at the Opus Store extended until July 19
Journey to Makkah Opus
Opus Media Group PLC is delighted to announce the multi-award-winning team who will produce Journey to Makkah Opus