The lastest news and updates from Opus.
Ferrari Opus launch
Watch the launch of The Official Ferrari Opus in Abu Dhabi
Rankin photo shoot for Ferrari Opus
Watch Rankin photograph the 1961 California
Opus app is an “app of the year”
Saatchi Opus iPad app selected by Apple
Jaipur 2010
The first destination after leaving Abu Dhabi on the ‘Journey to Maranello’ was Jaipur, India.
The Celtic Opus officially launched at Celtic FC
The ultimate celebration of the ‘Hoops’
Official Ferrari Opus Apps
Free “lite” app released for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2010
The Official Ferrari Opus Number 1 Copy made its debut at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in 2010.
Signed MLB Opus at charity auction
One-of-a-kind copy of the Official Major League Opus signed by All-Stars
Saatchi Gallery Opus HD app update
The Saatchi Gallery Opus HD app for the iPad featured in the UK App Store
Opus goes digital
Opus announces apps for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad