The lastest news and updates from Opus.
Arsenal Opus eBook Edition
Arsenal Opus now available as an eBook
Branding a Batsman
Opus creates Sachin Tendulkar’s brand
The Enzo ‘Diamante’ debuts in Russia
Opus was present at the Russian launch of the new Ferrari FF in the iconic Barvikha Luxury Village
Ferrari Opus in Sweden
Opus were invited to one of Europe’s largest car showrooms
David Bailey and Bernie Ecclestone
David Bailey photographs Bernie Ecclestone
Exclusively in the Netherlands
The Official Ferrari Opus arrives
Launch of The Official Ferrari Opus Diamante
John Surtees and Stirling Moss helped launch the Diamante Edition
Malaysian Grand Prix 2011
Just two days to go before the Malaysian Grand Prix, Ferrari celebrated with a party in Kuala Lumpar.
The Official Ferrari Opus in Australia
TV coverage of the Diamante Edition
Australian Grand Prix 2011
The start of the F1 season saw the world premier unveiling of The Official Ferrari Opus Diamante Edition