The story of Madiba is told in true Opus style, with exclusively written contributions from those who knew him best. Those who told their stories, either through contributions or interviews, include South African President Jacob Zuma; Archbishop Desmond Tutu; former South African President FW de Klerk, Nationalist Party chief negotiator Roelf Meyer; ‘Madiba shirt’ designer Sonwabile Ndamase; top South African advocate George Bizos; Rivonia Trialist Ahmed Kathrada and several people who were imprisoned with Mandela on Robben Island; prison warder Jack Swart; American anti-apartheid activist Randall Robinson; Nelson Mandela Foundation historian Verne Harris; FIFA boss Sepp Blatter, South African Football Association chairman Danny Jordaan; entrepreneur Richard Branson; Mandela’s personal assistant Zelda le Grange and Liliesleaf Trust CEO Nicholas Wolpe, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and a host of celebrities who interacted with Mandela.